Tuesday 28 July 2015

Greats and Grans/ANZAC Day

We had a fantastic time making our picture frames with our whanau and they joined us for maorning tea. We celebrated ANZAC with songs and a small ceremony. It was a very moving time commented on by many.

ALIM Sessions

I am a week and a half in to the teaching sessions with my withdraw group and in class group for ALIM. Sessions are going well, the children are enjoying the group work. I can see already some progress and also places to revisit. All part of the ongoing learning. Tino pai!

ALIM Training Day

ALIM Training Day June 3/4 
I attended the two training days in Tauranga for ALIM. They were full on, with lots of information, suggestions, examples of what the ALIM programme will entail. It was great getting together with many teachers all preparing to facilitate the teaching and learning to boost the children's achievement.